Faith Amour Hair Care

Archive for September 2012

The tannins in caffeinated teas help thicken the hair shaft and make hair appear fuller. More specifically, black tea, a natural astringent penetrates the pores of the scalp, dissolves excess sebum, and tightens the hair follicle. Tighter pores, means the skin is better protected from excess oil and dirt. The combo of tighter pores and thicker hair means your scalp is holding onto the hair better, and more resilient hair means it won’t snap as easily. This causes less hair to be pulled out, or break off when detangling. Tea rinses benefit all hair types. Herbs in this simple recipe can be substituted according to your specific needs: ½ cup dried herbs in 4-5 cups of cold water. Boil the two ingredients for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let the tea brew three to five minutes. Longer brewing will yield a stronger tea. Strain and let cool. Apply the solution to clean hair and rinse after 20-30 minutes. Choose from any of the hair herbs listed below for a great hair tea:

• Chamomile: soothes the scalp, often used for lighter color hair

• Horsetail: high silica content helps brittle hair

• Mint: stimulates the scalp

• Nettle: treats dandruff and stimulates hair growth

• Rosemary: excellent for all hair types and problems, especially hair growth

• Sage: used to restore color to graying hair, and remove dandruff

• Thyme: good for oily hair and dandruff.

Many women suffer with balding or thin edges. Some may think they have tried everything but some of the simplest things can prevent and even help those edges to grow back. If you love micro braids or braids of any kind for that matter just don’t do it. Braids causes stress on edges from the pulling. In some cases the hair can actually be pulled from the scalp from the excessive stress. Another thing give up the phony pony. Usually when trying to put hair into a pony tail we try to get it as smooth as possible, which means tugging until all parts lay down. Stop. You are hurting your edges. You also do not need to keep putting gel on the thinning hair, while it may give you a satisfying appearance, your edges are still suffering. Try to refrain from getting a touch up while your edges are in a weak state. Adding chemicals to an already thinning hair will just speed up the process. While not having a touch up may seem like a hard task you should not turn to the flat iron. A flat iron can be just as bad as using chemicals, because of the high temperatures involved in flat ironing. Show your edges you care by massaging the affected area. Make sure to massage and not rub, because rubbing the affected area will further the problem. Moisturize the area and wear styles that require little to no stress on the edges. Remember you must maintain your regime to get your edges back, because if you don’t then the hairline will keep receding. Getting back those edges takes time and patience, and chances are it will take several weeks before you begin to see improvement. However, do not be discouraged, because in the end you will have a head full of healthy locs.

The average woman spends hundreds of hours washing, drying, and styling her hair each year, yet many are not always happy with their results. If you have thin and fine hair, then how to thicken hair is a constant search. As we grow older, there is a tendency for our hair fibers to become finer and shorter over time, but years may elapse before any obvious difference is seen. Because “fine” is not necessarily thin, you should understand what fine hair really is.”Fine” refers to the diameter of a single strand. So, you can have fine hair that’s abundant, because you can have many individual strands per square inch. You can also have fine and thin or thinning hair, which means you’ve got strands that are small in diameter and on top if it, you don’t have a lot of them.

So, exactly what is the prescription for getting rid of dry brittle hair and growing shiny, thick, bouncy hair? Let’s look at some factors of hair health. Healthy hair starts from the inside, at the root of each follicle, the blood supply that feeds it and the nutrients we consume play an important part of the process. The consumption of nutrients and the blood supply to the roots of the hair affect the hair growth. Vitamin B in all its forms is a key player to thicker hair and the prevention of hair loss. It is also reported that an iron deficiency can cause a woman’s body to stop producing hair until the iron is replaced. Foods high in iron are liver, lean red meat, chicken, pork, salmon, egg yolk, pumpkin seeds, dried peas and beans, bran, blackstrap molasses, prune juice, raisons, peanut butter, apricots, green beans, walnuts, cashews, pecans and almonds. Iron absorption is increased by Vitamin C, so it seems we also need to make sure we get the recommended amount of that nutrient by eating oranges, grapefruit, potatoes, broccoli and brussel sprouts, red and green peppers, tomatoes, cabbage and collard greens. Nutritionists say that too little protein in a diet can cause dull hair and loss.

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September 2012